Dry Classifier

Dynamic Air separator / Classifier is a simple equipment having two cone /cylinder (inner & outer and an impeller with vanes built with wear resistant material to generate whirling air circulation action. The fines from the crushing plant is fed through feed inlet and dropped by gravity on the Auxiliary fan. The Auxiliary fan is connected to the drive motor through a housing. The Rpm of fan can be throttled through VFD fitted to the motor to control the amount of fines to be separated. The main fan creates continuous circulating air into which the distributor disperses the fines.   Material acted upon the distributor plate is subjected to the following forces namely, Centrifugal force, Ascending air force, Gravity force. Fine particles below 150 microns size are lifted by the ascending air current and pass between the blades of auxiliary and Main into the outer cone of the separator. The (-) 150 microns transferred into the outer cone are discharged from the unit bottom in to a conveyor and transferred into a closed tank through a conveyor.

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